Spring Has Sprung: ELEVATED NEWS, Client Highlights and Events


Here a few highlights for the month of March! Enjoy!

In a previous blog, I recommend 8 key areas of internal reporting to prepare prior to selling your company. In my newest blog, I provide recommendations for successfully navigating one of the last stages the acquisition process: due diligence. During this phase, the buyer assesses the acquisition opportunity for risk and develops a remediation plan. This coincides with the toughest part of the negotiation process between the buyer and seller.

Read the Blog

International Women’s Day

Giving special mentions to the clients that continue to inspire myself and others. They are role models in their respective communities for their strength, determination, talents, care for others and generosity.

Special Mentions


Sewanee Children's Children Annual Spring Ferns Sale

Sewanee Children’s Center

The Sewanee Children's Center is selling beautiful spring ferns for $15/each. All proceeds benefit the teachers and children of the Sewanee Children’s Center. Order yours and purchase before March 19th at 3pm!

Order Ferns

GLOW Med Spa of 30a

GLOW is celebrating 3 years this month! As a token of appreciation, GLOW clients can enjoy a complimentary Hydrafacial lip or eye perk this month with every facial!


New Release!

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Oakland McCulloch is the author of the 2021 release, Your Leadership Legacy: Becoming the Leader You Were Meant to Be. Based on 40+ years of leadership in the U.S. Army and subsequent civilian positions, Oak highlights principles that will benefit today’s leaders and inspire the leaders of tomorrow.

Buy the Book

Robin’s Bikes & Fitness

The Specialized Turbo Como 4.0 can reach speeds up to 28 mph! Outfitted with a headlamp, fenders and an efficient, integrated battery, the Como provides you with plenty of range on long rides. It intuitively reacts to the force of your pedaling, so the harder you pedal, the more power it delivers. The Turbo Como has been one of Robin’s e-bike cruiser favorites!


Skrive Publications

Author, Dan Madson, has released the first two offerings in a brand new best-selling series of books for children. Featuring two lovable characters named Burgerhead and Mean Jerry, Dan’s stories are wholesome, humorous reminders of how important friendships are and how much fun it is to be a kid. This series is a unique collaboration with Dan’s 6 year old grandson, Mack.

Buy the Books

Baird Concepts

In Sandy’s last blog, you met Francis, a bad-apple employee. Of course, Francis was fictional (sorry to all the Francis fans out there), but her actions certainly were not. In this month's blog, Sandy provides the 10 Golden Rules in her Concepts Hiring System that prevent you or your dental practice from being saddled with - or held hostage by - a bad-apple hire like Francis.

Learn More


Inspired LifeworkShop - April Career Exploration Webinar
Dog-Harmony, Inc. Doggie Eggstravaganza Event on April 1st

All the best,

Christie Solomon, MBA

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Christie Solomon

Founder of Elevate Next, Christie has an MBA in International Business from Thunderbird School of Global Management and extensive experience in marketing, public relations, finance, and project management.


April Client Highlights (And No Fooling Around!)


Starting 2021 Off Right: Client Highlights & Accomplishments