Write For Us

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Editorial Guidelines

Contributor Agreement


  • Articles accepted for publication must be exclusive to ELEVATE NEXT and 100% original (or unique to our site).

  • Quotes or supporting data must be properly attributed to the source (see “In-Article Links” guidelines below).

  • Articles must be written by humans and not generative AI models.


  • Headline: Should be catchy and to the point

  • SEO Description/Excerpt: Provide a sentence or two (suggest 50 words) to summarize your article and pique reader interest.

  • Length: Minimum of 500 words

  • In-Article Links: Self-promotion of other author content/sites, affiliate links, and links to disreputable sites are not allowed. (Authors may submit one link to their social media accounts or website in their author bios.) Quotes and references to statistics must always be cited by an in-article link.

  • Focus Keywords: Provide at least one focus keyword applicable to your submitted article.

  • Media and Alt Links: If you are providing photographs, please provide an ‘alternative text’ describing the content of the image for accessibility purposes. Stock photos from royalty-free sites such as Unsplash, Pixabay, and Pexels are accepted, but please provide a link to the photos for proper attribution. Links to stock photos from Adobe or Shutterstock are accepted and will be licensed by ELEVATE NEXT if accepted.

  • Suggested Topics:

    • Public Relations

    • Company Culture

    • Mergers & Acquisitions

    • Social Media Management

    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    • Brand Management

    • Supply Chain Management


  • Titles are formatted as H1

  • Subheadings should be formatted as H2, H3, etc.

Become a Contributor

We’d love to hear your original ideas for an article! We showcase each new article on social media and in our newsletter, ELEVATED NEWS, as well as feature the author names and bios on each article. Ready?

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