Camp Longleaf Targets Return in Summer 2025
E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center Collects Survey Responses to Provide a Unique Camp Experience in the Panhandle
Story featured in: SoWal
Photo courtesy of E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center
Freeport, Fla. - Targeting a return for Camp Longleaf in the summer of 2025, E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center announces the launch of a month-long survey designed to collect prospective summer camp participant preferences.
Built in 2018 next to the Biophilia Center on the Nokuse Plantation, a 55,000-acre private nature preserve in Walton County, Florida, Camp Longleaf comfortably accommodates up to 46 campers with six air-conditioned cabins and a spacious dining hall.
The Camp Longleaf summer program ran for three years (2018-19, 2021) and provided a unique, outdoor education experience for students aged 9 to 14 years. A pandemic hiatus provided the E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center an opportunity to redesign and enhance the camp experience, which allows campers to explore the importance of biodiversity and conservation in a unique setting.
Executive Director of the E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center, Dalton Allen, thanks the public in advance for filling out the survey. He says, “The survey feedback we collect from both locals and families that visit the Panhandle will be invaluable in helping us to tailor our future Camp Longleaf experience to the needs of our community.”
By participating in the short survey, which concludes on March 1, 2024, respondents are eligible to win one of three sets of $20 Amazon gift cards and complimentary Summer Day Passes to the E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center. Randomly selected survey winners will be announced upon survey conclusion.
About: Camp Longleaf is a program of the E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center, a 501(c)3 environmental education center founded in 2009. Built as a traditional campground campus on the Nokuse Plantation in 2018, Camp Longleaf is designed to encourage students to learn and grow with nature. When people value the earth and its animals, they can better preserve, protect, and appreciate the wonders of the outdoor world. The Biophilia Center has a strong history of educating local students and visitors about the importance of biodiversity to encourage conservation.
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