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Marketing Christie Solomon Marketing Christie Solomon

Define Your Ideal Customer Persona

For marketers and business owners with an innate sense of their target market and audience, pinpointing their ideal customer isn’t always straightforward. To simplify the process, they should examine their existing customer base and answer the basic questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how.

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Culture, Marketing Christie Solomon Culture, Marketing Christie Solomon


On a liveaboard scuba diving trip to the Bahamas, Captain Tim explained the standard two-way radio protocols he encouraged his crew to utilize. Radio communication etiquette has application in any professional land- or sea-based setting.

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Marketing Christie Solomon Marketing Christie Solomon

Marketing to Make Your Audience Happier

Who knew that paid advertising could make us unhappy? Or that only 50% of the people surveyed trusted the advertisements they saw, read, or heard? Business owners should focus on earned and shared media as a cost-effective, long-term marketing strategy that builds trust and makes their audience happier.

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Marketing Christie Solomon Marketing Christie Solomon

When Humor is an Effective Tool in Crisis Communications

Humor can be useful in crisis communications - but only in certain situations. In the Journal of Interactive Marketing, researchers defined two types of negative events: defensible and indefensible. The researchers found that humor is only an effective tool in the context of defensible crises.

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Marketing Christie Solomon Marketing Christie Solomon

Communication Planning for a Crisis

Every organization needs a Crisis Leadership Team - a key component of effective risk management - made up of the organization’s most capable leaders. A crisis communications strategy is a critical component of an organization’s overall crisis management plan.

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Marketing Christie Solomon Marketing Christie Solomon

Communication is Leadership

Communication skills are essential for leaders to have in their tool kit. Consider five Cs of effective communication to ensure your messaging hits the mark and motivates your team.

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Marketing, Strategy Christie Solomon Marketing, Strategy Christie Solomon

Personal Branding is a Self-Investment

Personal branding is an investment in yourself. The time, energy, and currency you put into developing your brand results in opportunities for growth - both personally and professionally. Learn four reasons why it’s worth the investment to develop a successful personal brand.

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Guest Contributions, Strategy Joan Bosch Guest Contributions, Strategy Joan Bosch

3 Important Reasons to Involve HR in PR

CNN reported that a scarcity of talent was among one of the biggest human resources (HR) obstacles companies faced in 2021. Job openings reached an estimated 11 million in October of that year. Given the widespread challenge of attracting and retaining talent, the need for collaboration between HR and public relations (PR) departments is more necessary than ever.

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Culture, Strategy Christie Solomon Culture, Strategy Christie Solomon

The Merits of Monotasking

When you receive a phone call and continue working on your current project, you’re probably not doing either activity very well. Successful monotasking, or focusing on one task at a time, requires you to ignore the myriad of distractions around you.

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Culture, Marketing, Strategy Christie Solomon Culture, Marketing, Strategy Christie Solomon

Proactive Crisis Management in 10 Steps

Although predicting a true crisis is nearly impossible, you can mitigate the consequences of one with a proactive, forward-looking crisis management plan. Consider these 10 steps as a checklist in your crisis management plan, which includes planning for: crisis communications, business continuity, and disaster recovery for IT systems.

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