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Becoming a Digital Nomad
Company Culture, Guest Contributions Daisy Waithereo Wambua Company Culture, Guest Contributions Daisy Waithereo Wambua

Becoming a Digital Nomad

Live a life of travel and excitement by becoming a digital nomad. According to Statista, almost half of digital nomads are millennials, but this way of life is desirable to workers of all ages. Guest contributor, Daisy Waithereo Wambua, provides planning recommendations and tips to consider before you quit your desk job and start traveling.

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The Merits of Monotasking
Company Culture Christie Solomon Company Culture Christie Solomon

The Merits of Monotasking

When you receive a phone call and continue working on your current project, you’re probably not doing either activity very well. Successful monotasking, or focusing on one task at a time, requires you to ignore the myriad of distractions around you.

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